West Byfleet Secondary school: log book for 1956

9th January 1956

School reopened after the Xmas holiday.  

10th January 1956

Hygiene Inspection at 9.30am.

13th January 1956

B.C.G. testing 9.30am.

Miss Ward and I left the school to attend a meeting of the Common Entrance Exam at the Woking Grammar School.

16th January 1956

B.C.G. testing 9.30am.

17th January 1956

In the absence of the Headmaster I, Joan Ward, Deputy Head was in charge of the school.

Mrs. Joan Elvidge came to the school at 1.30pm as a supply teacher.

19th January 1956

I was instructed to leave school to attend a meeting head Teachers at Woking Grammar School at 2.30pm.  Mr. Lark was in charge of the school.

20th January 1956

Mrs. Elderidge left the supply staff today.    Mrs. Willerby appointed Assistant Cook today.  Mr. Stollery, Miss Bradfield and I were present at the interview.

30th January 1956

Mrs. Elvidge left.

21st January 1956

Mrs. Outerridge came to the school as a supply teacher.

1st February 1956

Miss Parish and Miss Ware visited the school.

2nd February 1956

Burt pipes in school and canteen.   Miss Bradfield visited the canteen.   Canteen roof caught fire – fire brigade called.

14th February 1956

Mr. Higgins visited the school.

14th and 20th February 1956

Visit of group of Engineering course boys to the Chertsey Iron Foundry.

17th February 1956

The school closes today for half term break, returning Wed. Feb 27th.

22nd February 1956

I (Mr. F.W. Goodger) resumed duties today.

23rd February 1956

Leavers’ interviews all day.

27th February 1956

In the absent of the Headmaster I (Joan Ward) was in charge of the school.   Mrs. Elvidge came as a supply teacher.

28th February 1956

Mr. Bruland gave a talk on Byfleet.   Mr. Short absent for Intelligence Testing course.

1st March 1956

Lt. Clarke gave a talk to 6th form boys on the Royal Navy as a career.

Mrs. Alexander sent home unwell.

6th March 1956

Caretaker resumed duties.

I attended a meeting of Governors at Fullbrook C.S. School at 2.15pm.

7th March 1956

Mrs. Elvidge came in the afternoon.   Mrs. Basebe now only working Mon, Tue and Wed.

12th March 1956

Mrs. Elvidge and Miss Basebe on supply.

Col. Davys OBE gave a talk to 5th and 6th forms on “Life in the West Indies”.

13th March 1956

Mr. Higgins visited the school.  Miss Hess, H.M.I. visited the school with Miss Newcombe, who gave a talk to the summer leavers.

15th March 1956

The school was closed in the morning for C.E. Exam Part II.

16th March 1956

Mrs. Trevin came to the school as a supply teacher.

20th March 1956

Dr. Goody visited the school and inspected the premises.

21st March 1956

Mr. Foot interviewed Griffin and Spires who have applied for transfer to Ottershaw.

Mr. Short took 24 members of the school choir to the Woking Music Festival.

22nd March 1956

A party of children with Mr. Lark and Mr. Salmon went to the London Casino to see “Cinema Holiday”.

26th March 1956

The school had fire drill at 11.45am.   School evacuated in 4 minutes.    Mr. A. H. Allen was appointed to the permanent staff.

28th March 1956

The school closed for the Easter holidays until Monday April 16th.

16th April 1956

School reopened after Easter vacation.   Supply teachers – Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Alexander, Miss Basebe.  New Appointment – Mr. Allen.

17th April 1956

Miss Ware gave a demonstration to 6th forms on Poultry Breeding.

20th April 1956

Hygiene inspection took place.

25th April 1956

Medical inspection for boys eligible to leave at end of summer term.

26th April 1956

I left the school at 11.25am with the Head boy to attend a memorial service in St. John’s church for Mrs. Stollery.

1st May 1956

Miss Ware – Poultry Demonstration.

3rd May 1956

Miss Newcombe gave a talk to Xmas leavers.   Mr. Lumley visited students.

4th May 1956

I had to reprimand Miss Parnell for insubordination after warning.

7th May 1956

Miss Parnell absent.

8th May 1956

Miss, Ware gave the 3rd of 3 demonstrations on Poultry Cooking.  6a girls entertained me to lunch they had cooked.

Mr. Lumley visited students.

11th May 1956

Miss Parnell returned – certificate inspected.

Two students from Shoreditch TC end their school practice today.

14-16th May 1956

Mrs. Basesbe on duty as supply teacher.

12th May 1956

Kiln installed in the art room.

16th May 1956

I , (F.W. Goodger), resumed duties.    Immunisation this A.M.

17th May 1956

Miss. Parnell absent attending a Ministry of Education course on field biology (also tomorrow).

18th May 1956

The school will close today for the Whitsuntide holidays until Monday 28th March.

28th May 1956

School reopened after the Whitsun holiday.

29th May 1956

30th May 1956

Interview for Summer leavers.

5th June 1956

A governor’s meeting was held in the W. Byfleet C.P.S. at 2.15pm.

6th June 1956

Mr. Thompson of Camberley C.P. visited the school for the day as he will on the succeeding five Wednesdays as part of a course is attending at Glyn House, Ewell.

The school closed (pm) for the Woking and District Sports.

8th June 1956

The school closed (pm) for the completion of the District Sports postponed from Wednesday due to rain.

13th June 1956

Medical Examination for Xmas leavers.

19th June 1956

Mr. Lark absent for interview.

21st June  1956

A meeting of school engineering course boys for the year ending Sept. 1957 was held.

22nd June 1956

A party of boys visited Vickers Armstrong Ltd.

25th June 1956

Two Egyptian headmasters, one inspector and education Officer visited the school for two days.

12th July 1956

School sports day on the new playing field.  Trophy presented by the first headmaster, Cyril Jenkins, Esq., J.P.




13th July 1956

Mr. Luddows appointed caretaker from 24th July 1956.

18th July 1956

Parish Day

The school closed for Parish Day in which it took an active part.   Exhibitions of Domestic science, Needlework, and Engineering were made and Mr. Salmon’s boys gave an Exhibition on physical training.

24th July 1956

Miss Fletcher, Lecturer in education (City of bath, D.Sc. T.C.) visited A.M.  

Meeting of parents of September “intake” children 2pm.    Meeting of parents of children going to Switzerland in August 7.30pm.

26th July 1956

Mr. Volter and Mr. Palfrenmen called to inspect the school garden.

27th July 1956

Mr. Holm called to see and discuss the school garden.  The school closed today until Sept. 14th for the summer holidays.   (Miss. Midgley is leaving.  Mr. Short will be absent for 1 year on a mathematics course.  Mr. Guppy and Mr. Allen still absent from school.

4th September 1956

The school reopened after the summer holiday.    Mrs. Mitchell commenced duties in place of Miss Midgley (resigned).   Messrs. Guppy and Allen resumed duties.

Miss Parnell absent attending a science course as was Mr. Allison recovering from an operation.

Miss Sweating commenced teaching practice until Sept. 14th.

11th September 1956

Mr. Bolton commenced duties as supply teacher.   Miss Bradfield visited.   An engineering course meeting was held.

14th September 1956

A power saw made by the boys was brought into use in Room 15.

B.C.G. Examination held this A.M.

17th September 1956

Miss Voller, County Inspector, called regarding specialised courses.

18th September 1956

A governor’s meeting was held at Sheerwater CSS at 2.15pm.

19th September 1956

A hygiene inspection was held this AM.

Four boys began attendance at Weybridge technical College with Messrs. Cave and Williams.

21st September 1956

A lecture on “Costume of the Scottish Highlands” was given by a lecturer of the Inter Wool Secretariat.    Mr. Short left to attend a year’s course on the Teaching of mathematics.

24th September 1956

Miss Sinclair commenced duties as supernumerary.   A meeting of parents (in take) of Engineering Course Boys was held in the school at 7.15pm.

25th September 1956

Miss Weed spent the P.M. at Pitman House in connection with the proposed commercial course for girls.

28th September 1956

Dr. Marston and Miss Voller called regarding the Engineering course.    A parents meeting of Engineering Course boys, to discuss reports was held in the school at 7.15pm.

1st October 1956

Mrs. Archer was appointed to commence duties from January 1957.

A staff meeting was held at 3.45pm.

2nd October 1956

I visited Cheam Boys Sec. School (11AM – 2.40PM) see in operation an electrically heated trolley.

3rd October 1956

Miss Weed spent the day at the Girls’ Commercial School, Guildford (proposed Commercial Course).

Miss Mitchell attended a medical exam (pm) and Mr. Bolton ended his duties as supply teacher.

4th October 1956

Mr. cave and I visited Mr. Duckett at Vickers Ltd., in connection with the Engineering Course –discussion of admission of apprentices.

5th October 1956

J.E.O. visited (P.M,) – talks to Easter Leavers.

9th October 1956

A party visited the Woking and District Music Society Concert at 10.30 A.M. at the Woking Grammar School.

15th October 1956

The timetable will be modified each day this week to allow for Intelligence Testing.

16th October 1956

At a Governor’s meeting at 2.30pm, Mr. R. Stock was appointed to the staff as from January 1957.

17th October 1956

B.C.G. inspection the A.M.

24th October 1956

A United Nations Day Service was held this morning.

25th October 1956

Dental Inspection all day.  Miss Parnell absent on interview.

26th October 1956

The school closed for the autumn holiday until Monday November 5th.   Mrs. Boyson ceased duties.

5th November 1956

The school reopened.  Staff Meeting 3.45pm.

6th November 1956

From today until November 20th (Speech day) from time to time the timetable has been modified to allow for Speech day Music Practice and rehearsals.

7th November 1956

A medical inspector was held at 9.30am.

8th November 1956

Interviews for Xmas leavers.

9th November 1956

Dr. Marston and Miss Voller called to discuss the question of G.C.E. in the Secondary Modern School.

13th November 1956

Art and Movement School Students began (until December 6th).

15th November 1956

Miss Newcombe called – complete leavers’ interviews.

20th November 1956

Speech Day


10.45A.M. Divine Service for School in the church of St. John, conducted by Rev. A.J. Costin, who also gave the address.

Organist Cyril Jenkins, Esq., J.P.

12.20A.M. Staff lunch

- guests A.W. Stollery, Cyril Jenkins, Esq., C. Williams Esq. and Miss L.K. Hey

2.45P.M. Presentation of Prizes.

Chairman: A.W. Stollery

Prizes were presented by H.O.M. Herbert, Esq.,


Refreshments for Guests – staff room.

26th November 1956

Shoreditch students commenced three weeks practice.

3rd December 1956

Staff Meeting at 3.45pm.

4th December 1956

 A Governor’s meeting was held in the school.

5-7th December 1956

A whist Drive was held at 7.30pm.     More than £35 was raised for the school fund.

10th December 1956

Miss McKay visited re: the proposed electrically heated canteen trolley.

15th December 1956

A.W. Stollery attended morning session and addressed the children.

A leavers party was held 4.30pm to 9pm.   A number of old scholars attended.

19th December 1956

Miss Morcamb and Miss Bradfield visited re; the proposed electrically heated canteen trolley.

21st December 1956

The school closed for the Xmas holidays until Wednesday January 9th 1957.   Messrs. Penn, Guppy and Allison left the staff.